Jane Carver

Jane Carver In humid beautiful Texas one hundred miles from the Gulf of Mexico, I have been an educator, Challenge Course facilitator, photographer, security staff and now a writer. Wife, mother and grandmother. These titles fit me well. I've held them all—some far longer than others. The title I long strived for was that of writer—now published author.

As a writer, my imagination creates whatever I want. Once I've written something I want to share, it is time to edit, hone that manuscript until there is no doubt what I want the reader to experience. I'm still working at that. And always will. Any writer who says, "I've got this down pat," is only fooling herself.

There are no rules to what your imagination comes up with, but there are guidelines to follow if you want that story to be the best it can. So writers are also learners. Constantly attending conferences, taking classes, reading, communicating with fellow writers. The trick is to take what you learn and make it your own. Write in a way that no one else does. Be fresh!

There is no new story—each has been told. The idea is to tell your story in a new way. So we fill notebooks with ideas, pages with storybook names, jot down dire circumstances then one day, we the writers, pull out an idea from here and a name from there and put it all together. We add tension, conflict, danger, doubt, suspense and maybe love if that's your thing. Polish the words and craft them until you have a story that begs to be read and enjoyed.

That is my challenge: to write such a story. I strive toward that goal every day. Enjoy...Jane Carver

Jane Carver (also writing as Young Adult author Jane Grace)

Website: www.romances-by-janie.com
Website: www.JaneGracePresents.com

Write to me at: janer.carver@gmail.com

Available Now
Return With Honor The Answer Key by Jane Carver The Long Winding Road by Jane Carver

Jane also writes young adult fiction under the name Jane Grace, find her books at our YA imprint, Fire & Ice Young Adult Books!